Who We Are
GPC Mission Statement
Gilbert Presbyterian Church is called to be a Christ-centered covenant family, nurtured by the Holy Spirit,
to worship God and share God's love with EVERYONE.
Gilbert Presbyterian Church is called to be a Christ-centered covenant family, nurtured by the Holy Spirit,
to worship God and share God's love with EVERYONE.
As a family-oriented congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA), Gilbert Presbyterian Church strives to enjoy, proclaim, and embody the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ. We respond for the spiritual, physical, emotional and intellectual needs of all persons in the congregation, in the community, and in the world.
The organizing statements of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) describes the core of Christian truth in this way: "All power in heaven and earth is given to Jesus Christ by Almighty God, who raised Christ from the dead and set him above all rule and authority, all power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. God has put all things under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and has made Christ Head of the Church, which is the body." (The Book of Order)
Yet we are more than our beliefs. We are also an expression of our mission in the world, which the same organizing statements of Presbyterian life describe in this way: "The great ends of the church are the proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of humankind; the shelter, nurture, and spiritual fellowship of the children of God; the maintenance of divine worship; the preservation of the truth; the promotion of social righteousness; and the exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world." (The Book of Order) That language comes from a hundred years ago, but the mission remains the same for us today: to share the good news of God's love for all, to care for people inside and outside the church, to worship with enthusiasm and awe, to learn together and to work for justice and hope in a needy world.
We would love to have you come join us!
As a family-oriented congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA), Gilbert Presbyterian Church strives to enjoy, proclaim, and embody the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ. We respond for the spiritual, physical, emotional and intellectual needs of all persons in the congregation, in the community, and in the world.
The organizing statements of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) describes the core of Christian truth in this way: "All power in heaven and earth is given to Jesus Christ by Almighty God, who raised Christ from the dead and set him above all rule and authority, all power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. God has put all things under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and has made Christ Head of the Church, which is the body." (The Book of Order)
Yet we are more than our beliefs. We are also an expression of our mission in the world, which the same organizing statements of Presbyterian life describe in this way: "The great ends of the church are the proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of humankind; the shelter, nurture, and spiritual fellowship of the children of God; the maintenance of divine worship; the preservation of the truth; the promotion of social righteousness; and the exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world." (The Book of Order) That language comes from a hundred years ago, but the mission remains the same for us today: to share the good news of God's love for all, to care for people inside and outside the church, to worship with enthusiasm and awe, to learn together and to work for justice and hope in a needy world.
We would love to have you come join us!
For more about the Presbyterian Church (USA), read the Book of Order or go to http://www.pcusa.org.
Grand Canyon Presbytery
As Presbyterians, we do not stand alone as a congregation. We share ministry, mission, and responsibility for church life with nearly 80 Presbyterian congregations in the Presbytery of the Grand Canyon, which covers roughly half the state of Arizona. Nationally, we are one of the largest one hundred and fifty among over 10,000 congregations in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) which is itself the largest among six denominations (associations) that share the name Presbyterian.
Grand Canyon Presbytery
As Presbyterians, we do not stand alone as a congregation. We share ministry, mission, and responsibility for church life with nearly 80 Presbyterian congregations in the Presbytery of the Grand Canyon, which covers roughly half the state of Arizona. Nationally, we are one of the largest one hundred and fifty among over 10,000 congregations in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) which is itself the largest among six denominations (associations) that share the name Presbyterian.