Christian Education
Nursery --Nursery care is available in the Palmer Center, Rooms 9 & 10, for infants through 5 years of age. It is never too early to start your child on their journey with their relationship with Christ! At GPC, w are here to support your family in your faith walk. Our caregivers are trained and have passed a background check. Nursery and PreK childcare is available during the worship service.
PreK-5 years (during worship) --Childcare is available for this group after the children’s message.
Elementary - Junior High — A multi-age Sunday school class is available for children ranging in age from kindergarten through junior high school. Different types of hands-on activities, including storytelling, games, arts and crafts, and songs are used to reinforce a different Bible story each week. Each session opens and closes with prayer, and the students are given opportunities to contribute to each prayer.
Junior high age youth are welcome to join the children’s class, or the adult classes (if appropriate).
Senior high age youth are welcome to join any of the adult classes that are offered.
Sunday school teachers have passed a background check, and have received training in the church’s Safe Church policy.
Junior high age youth are welcome to join the children’s class, or the adult classes (if appropriate).
Senior high age youth are welcome to join any of the adult classes that are offered.
Sunday school teachers have passed a background check, and have received training in the church’s Safe Church policy.
Adult Education --All adults are invited to grow in faith with one another! Learn more about God’s Word and how to apply that to our lives!
- Thursday Bible study meets each Thursday at 4:00 PM in the Palmer Center
- Adult Bible study meets on Sundays after worship in the Palmer Center. Discussion is the scripture text for the next Sunday.
- Video Bible Study with discussion following meets in the Palmer Center following the worship service.
- Presbyterian Women meets the 3rd Saturday of the month. Call the church office (480-892-6753) or check the church calendar for more information.